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BASOAN – One of the Most Important Least Used Made2Manage Report

Updated: Feb 6

What is the BASOAN Report and why is it so Important?

BASOAN report is one of the Business Analytics reports that sends the information directly to an excel file which has Popups, Pivot Tables and Graph to analyze Sales, Cost and Profit. You are provided with Base Data (M2M Data tab) and summarizes by Customer, Part Number, Product Class and other tabs.

The Selling Price comes from the Sales Order. The COGS comes from the source connected from the Shipper. Source Make: Actual Job Costs. Source Stock: Accounting Cost at time of Shipper. Source Buy: PO Cost adjusted by the AP Cost. You want to choose the Selection: Shipped SO (Price, Cost, Profit).

This Excel can give you a picture of your business. One of my clients CEO called this report:

“We use it for so many of our metrics reporting – not sure what we would do without it.”

Yet almost half of the CEO’s and CFO’s are not even aware of the report. This report is available in versions 6.01 and above.

Some issues with the report in some versions that can be fixed:

Date Selection: You have the choice of Order Date. Shipped Date is better for performance evaluations.

Date inconsistencies: The Base Data (M2M Data tab) uses Shipped Date. The summary tabs use SO Due Date for Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly period determination. This can cause confusion. Shipped Date should be used throughout the report.

The above issues were fixed in versions 7.51 and can easily be fixed in other versions.

Improvements to the report to make the data more valuable:

  • Remove the Estimated Cost / Profit and Actual Cost. Most executives are just interested in Sales and Profit when summarizing. This allows more than the Top 10 (which can be altered) to be easily seen in the Excel display.

  • Addition of other Customer and Part characteristics that assist in the analyzing the data such as Part Description, Customer Sub-Type, Sales Person, Sales Coordinator or any other fields that have been added with screen customizations.

  • Add tabs for Customers and other relevant criteria at the Quarterly level with percent changes to evaluate Sales Trends.

Uses of the Report by different periods:

  • Weekly: Tracking of Sales/ Profit to meet monthly objectives. Reviewing out of range profit margins to determine the accuracy of the data.

  • Monthly: Determine which Products / Customers / Sales Person contributed the most to the Sales/ Profit monthly objectives.

  • Quarterly over multiple periods: Customer, Product Class, Part Number Sales Trends. New product introduction evaluations.

  • Yearly: Customer / Part Price Increases. Sales Person / Territory / Sales Coordinator realignment.


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