What are the Highlights of the Data Archiving Tool?
Easy to install and setup a linked archive company: M2MDATA becomes M2MArchive01.
Provides for setup of an archived Consolidated Company where both the live and linked archive company’s data exists for document lookup and reporting.
Allows the continued archiving and removal of data to the same archive company.
Shows documents that will not be removed because “Does Not Meet Status” so the data can be fixed before archiving.
Shows documents that will not be removed because “Does Not Meet Additional Criteria” by being linked to another document without the correct status.
Allows documents that will be archived to be exported to Excel for further analysis before completing the archive process.
Provides for the deletion of master tables: inactive Customers / Vendors and obsolete Parts (Item, BOM, Routing).
Provides for the maintenance of user permissions in the archived Consolidated Company.
What can I do with existing Archived Companies?
Existing archived companies are not included with the new Archiving Data Tool. These will need to be maintained until no longer needed.
We have worked with some customers to send the primary data sets and documents to SQL tables and PDF files so that it can still be referenced after the old archived company is removed.
How can NuStar Resources assist in going through the Data Archiving process?
Synchronize and clean-up of old data so that deletion of old data will work.
Remotely perform necessary backups and archiving and deletion at off-hours.
After the transaction removal of archiving has been performed, list out all of the BOM’s, Routings and Items that have no connection to transaction sets. After reviewing, the Parts can be automatically changed to obsolete. Then the Master table deletion will be more effective.
What are additional tools does NuStar Resources have that go beyond data archiving and perform Data Cleansing?
Defined process and tools for retiring Product Families.
Additions to the BAIVAL Inventory Valuation that lists out inventory with no usage beyond a user enter date including Stock, Buy and Make items.
SQL Statements to isolate and delete orphan records from master files and transaction files.
Reductions of large M2M SQL tables with no value after a year such as Cost Rollup and Bar Code transactions.
What version of Made2Manage do we need to take advantage of Data Cleansing?
Obviously, the 7.51 version has added significant improvements to the archiving and data deletion process. But NuStar Resources can provide similar functions to any version of Made2Manage.